So Many Toothpaste Options! Find Out Which is Right for You

You go to supermarket in search of a toothpaste that not only freshens your…

Attention Men: Why Are You Avoiding Your Dentist?

The benefits of regular dental exams and cleanings are applicable to everyone…

Toothpaste: It’s Not Just For Teeth

Toothpaste is a powerful concoction that can work wonders in protecting your…

Stand Up Straight for Good Oral Health

Maintaining good posture can go a long way in keeping your bones aligned as…

3 Disgusting Things Found on Toothbrushes

You know that brushing is part of a good oral hygiene routine. But this is only…

Do We Inherit Our Parents’ Dental Health?

There’s a common belief that dental problems occur as a result of genetics…

“Will My Dental Filling Last Forever?”

“Will it hurt?” “How long will it take?” “What should I expect when getting a…

What to Eat (and not to eat) This Easter

Easter is a holiday when we tend to overload on sugary sweets and ranks second…

5 Vitamins & Minerals for a Healthy Smile

Vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy body. But did you know that…

How Smiling Can Make You More Attractive

You look across the room and notice someone. Your eyes meet. You smile.…